Welcome to School of Nursing Alumni

Imagine a prospective graduate from the School of Nursing at Kibabii University, part of the first cohort that is currently in its third year. This student has already shown a remarkable dedication to the field of nursing, deeply engaged in clinical practice, healthcare research, and community health initiatives, showcasing an unwavering commitment to improving patient care and public health outcomes.

Although yet to graduate, this student represents the potential and promise of the School of Nursing’s inaugural class. They are preparing for a career that could span various roles within the healthcare sector, such as clinical nursing, public health advocacy, healthcare management, or nursing education. Their anticipated work is expected to be characterized by compassionate patient care, innovative approaches to healthcare challenges, and contributions to health policy and nursing practices.

As an early member of what will become the School of Nursing’s alumni network at Kibabii University, this student is poised to be part of a unique community of healthcare professionals. They are already involved in initiatives that bridge the gap between academic nursing studies and practical healthcare needs, including participating in health outreach programs, leading student healthcare forums, and engaging with professional nursing organizations.

They understand the importance of staying connected with their alma mater and the future alumni network to keep abreast of the latest developments in nursing education and practice. Proud of their pioneering journey at Kibabii University, they are eager to share their experiences and accomplishments once they graduate, aiming to inspire subsequent cohorts and demonstrate the practical impact of their nursing education.

By engaging in pre-graduation activities and planning to participate in post-graduation events related to healthcare, volunteering for community health projects, and advocating for nursing excellence, they are laying the groundwork for a strong and enduring connection to the Kibabii University community. Their story will be a testament to the quality of education provided by the School of Nursing, highlighting the diverse and significant contributions its graduates are expected to make in the healthcare field.

School of Nursing News

School of Nursing
Imagine a prospective graduate from the School of Nursing at Kibabii University, part of the first cohort that is currently...