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KIBU Researchers Win a Multimillion Funding in Global Education through Erasmus + Global Mobility Funding
A team of researchers led by Dr. Patrick Owoche and Dr. Robert Kati has successfully secured funding worth 4 million...
Pioneering Partnerships: Kibabii University and the University of Pittsburgh Forge New Horizons in Education and Research
In a significant stride toward fostering global education and research collaboration, Kibabii University (KIBU) in Bungoma County, Kenya, and the...
Bridging Boundaries: Kibabii University and PHET Unite for Teacher Development
In a landmark collaboration that promises to redefine the landscape of teacher professional development in science and mathematics education, Kibabii...
Forging Futures Together: Kibabii University and NLA University College's Pioneering Partnership
In a world that increasingly values global perspectives and collaborative endeavors, the burgeoning partnership between Kibabii University and NLA University...
Bridging the Gap Between Education and Industry
The decision to become a certified examination center was motivated by the desire to bridge the gap between academic education...
Innovating Finance: Kibabii University and ShareHub Forge a Transformative Partnership
In a groundbreaking collaboration that marks a significant leap forward in the fusion of technology and education, Kibabii University (KIBU)...